I woke up early,
since I could not sleep,
I had a date that
I just had to keep.
I wanted to drive
to the train station,
so I could practice
night navigation.
We left with plenty
of drive time to spare,
since I planned to take
side streets to get there.
Lo and behold though,
before I knew it,
I saw the onramp
and drove on to it.
Luckily there was
no problem merging,
since there was a gap
in traffic surging.
I surged up to speed
with those around me,
and look down to see
me doing eighty.
At that speed we reached
our offramp quite soon,
and faced with merging
I felt like a loon.
I was not sure how
quite I was to fit;
I looked for a gap
and swung into it.
It was soon over;
We reached the station,
with plenty of time
for relaxation.